“Meemoirs” is a part of Mesahat Foundation’s documentation work, that aims to document the oral history of the everyday life experiences of LGBTIQ++ people in Egypt and Sudan, focusing mainly on narratives and life experiences outside the center of both Egypt and Sudan.
The first issue of Meemoirs, published in May 2019, tackles that very first step; The chapter of “Self Discovery”. By recounting stories of Queer and Trans women which carry in their essence the different routes these women have taken to find an answer to their burning questions regarding their identities. It attempts to make sense of the concept of “Self Discovery” from their collective experiences.
In its 2nd issue Meemoirs focused on Transwomen, Transmen and Queer Women. Tracing the multi-layered journeys of self discovery, the interaction with the social. The release of the book was also accompanied by an online campaign #TheStoryisMine which mapped out the importance of documentation of the Queer Community, whether for interlocutors, the researchers or the readers.
Issue 3 of “Meemoirs” it opened up the experiences and lives of Bisexual and Pansexual identifying persons. There are layers of struggles, supports, surprises, stigma, and healing involved. In this issue, the campaign that accompanied the launch was #IGotSoManyStoriesToTell with traced highlights of the stories inside, and also clarified scientific references such as Kinsey’s Scale of Sexuality, to demystify the castes society can impose on our preferences.
In the fourth issue of “Meemoirs”, we documented the stories of yet other under represented identities in the LGBTIQ++ Community. Intersex and/or Gender non-conforming individuals. In this issue you will read the intertwine of social, medical and psychological victories and mishaps. And how these affected the narrators’ imaginaries and concepts of the body, the soul, pleasure, happiness, self-esteem, opinion, and many other. Along with it was the campaign “#IamLabelFree” which traces presents reflections on Non-conformity, and opinions on the unlived past related to the history of Ancient Egyptian figures who were portrayed as non-conforming kings, queens and gods.
The 5th edition of Meem-oirs is dedicated to documenting the experiences of the LGBTQI+ with the deplorable behaviour of the medical entities in Egypt. We aimed at showcasing stories of people from different backgrounds and identities, who needed various forms of healthcare, and were denied it or were abused, violated or stigmatized instead. Meem-oirs booklet is the end result of the oral history documentation project carried out by Mesahat Foundation for Sexual and Gender Diversity in Egypt and Sudan, which aims at shedding light on the lives, struggles and battles of the LGBTQI+ community and giving voice especially to the most marginalized sectors in the community.
Much like any other segment of society, the LGBTQI+ community contains various layers of intersectionality; individuals who belong to several, different backgrounds, belief systems and mindsets. It would be completely unrealistic to pool everyone together under their sexual orientations or gender identities, as people are always much more than one label or another.
Working on this principle, Mesahat foundation has decided to dedicate its Sixth issue of Meemoirs to one vital segment of its community; spiritual/religious Queer people. Not only because of the immense influence of religions on people’s lives in general, but also because this holds true especially in our religion-oriented society. In this booklet, there are 10 documented stories of queer believers, who opened up about their process of self-acceptance and upholding a spiritual conviction. The stories depict a variety of sexual and gender diversities as well different faiths.
In 2018 Mesahat launched its periodical, Amroos. Amroos meaning the Rainbow in Nubian Language, and it is in the diversity of opinions and identities that binds this periodical together. Amroos is published in Arabic and English, with a focus on a specific topic for each issue. For our first issue we focused on systematic and state powered homophobia and transphobia.
Inside “Amroos” 2nd Issue, published September 2018, we discuss the internal stigmatization inside the LGBTQI+ community as an initiative for self-criticism of the community we belong to, as this community should act as the space where the LGBTQI+ individuals can feel accepted, safe and stable emotionally and psychologically. We wish you enjoy the 2nd edition of Amroos.
In “Amroos” 3rd issue, published December 2018, we discuss the topic "Health" inside the LGBTQI+ community; psychological, physical or sexual health. In this edition we are trying to highlight everything related to health within the LGBTQI+ community from the perspective of everyone belongs to the LGBTQI+ community. We wish you enjoy the 3rd edition of Amroos.
Mesahat Organization for Sexual and Gender Diversity in Egypt and Sudan worked in 2018 on a detailed study of gender and sexuality-based violence taking place online (i.e. Digital Violence) which is inficted on the LGBTQI+ society inside Egypt. The aim was to document the incidents that have been taking place within the past 5 years in an effort to paint a picture as realistic as possible of the lives and struggles of the LGBTQI+ community, and specifcally LGBTI+ activists. The study has gotten in touch with 24 activists from the community.
Mesahat Organization for Sexual and Gender Diversity in Egypt and Sudan worked in 2018 on a detailed study of the various types of gender and sexuality-based violence which is inficted on the LGBTQI+ society inside Egypt. The aim was to document the incidents that have been taking place within the past 5 years in an effort to paint a picture as realistic as possible of the lives and struggles of the LGBTQI+ community. The study has gotten in touch with 267 individuals from the community.
Since its inception, Mesahat foundation for Sexual and Gender Diversity has been working to reduce security risks, and identify and remove social and cultural obstacles faced by sexual and gender minorities in the Nile Valley region (Egypt and Sudan). It also aims to provide the appropriate means for LGBTQI+ activists to continue their fight and contribute to the creation of prosperous and effective Queer communities.
Stemming from the foundation's vision and based on a Needs Analysis study to assess the needs of the Queer community in Egypt, The Foundation implemented the Emergency Security and Safety Project from September 2017 to the beginning of 2021. The project was divided into three intervals: 2017-2018, 2018-2019 and 2021.
Due to the urgent nature of the Egyptian Queer community’s need for support during emergencies, the project provides several services to activists and members of the Queer community, including the provision of psychological support services by specialists and relocation services inside and outside Egypt, as well as the provision of digital safety tools and the implementation of comprehensive safety trainings.
Given the importance of the issue of security and safety to the Egyptian Queer community, we have researched the causes, results, and forms of risks that participants have been exposed to during the project years in order to draw the findings of this report, which details the form of threats faced by the Egyptian Queer community as well as the violence directed at its members.
In this report, we present the data of the beneficiaries of the project in a discreet manner in order to preserve the anonymity of the participants. We present a breakdown of the services offered to the project’s beneficiaries. We demonstrate a comprehensive and detailed view of the risks faced by beneficiaries of the project services and the sources of those risks, with a focus on the risks experienced by Queer activists specifically. At the end of the report, we make a number of recommendations, trying to shed light on the needs of Egyptian Queer society and encourage collective action to resolve them. In the executive summary, we briefly recount the most important findings we have come up with during our work on the emergency security and safety project.
Other Publications
“Zizo’s Diaries” is an illustrated comic booklet, published by Mesahat Foundation in 2017; about Zizo the intersex child and how them and their parents discovered that. It takes you through a journey of the procedures that intersex persons go through in the Egyptian institutions. Making the doctor figure, the person who inform us and them about the common misconceptions and mistakes that lead to catastrophes when it comes to dealing with intersexuality in Egypt. The doctor also helps inform that it is solely Zizo’s decision to decide what gender they would like to be, knowing that intersexuality is not a specific case, but more of a spectrum of cases.
“Digital Security Guide for LGBTIQ++ and the Rest of the Acronyms” is one of Mesahat Foundation contribution to the Arabic speaking activists. It was produced in 2018 with the aim of providing a bigger scope on digital security awareness; one that focuses not only on the tools, but also on common misconceptions, and healthy practices of online and offline usage of our information. It features updates at the time when signal was censored in Egypt, as well as references for further reading in Arabic and English. This guide comes from a core value at Mesahat, represented at its Holistic Security program, which tackles digital security as a part and parcel of a triad, along with psychological well-being and personal safety.
"Together Our Voice is Louder" is an online campaign launched by Bedayaa Organization for LGBTQI in the Nile Valley Area (Egypt & Sudan), Mesahat Foundation sexual and gender diversity and Trans-Homos--DZ organization form Algeria on the occasion of International Day Against Homophobia and Trans phobia (IDAHOT 2016).The Campaign published a booklet of Homophobia and Trans phobia against LGBTQI community members stories from North Africa.
"Strength Lies in Our Unity...One Region...One Struggle” is an online campaign lunched by Bedayaa Organization for LGBTQI in the Nile Valley Area (Egypt & Sudan), Mesahat Foundation for sexual and gender diversity and Trans-Homos--DZ organization form Algeria on the International Women Day March 8th. The campaign published a booklet contains stories of LBT women from North Africa (Egypt, Sudan, Algeria) named (Queer Women Voices from North Africa).
As part of its celebrations of the Human Rights Day, Mesahat Foundation for Sexual and Gender Diversity launched its publication "LGBT Voices from Sudan," which documents violations based on sexual orientation and gender identity against sexual and gender minorities in Sudan.